Media / content
There are infinitely more ways of getting a CD-ROM wrong than there are of getting it right. It is not like writing a book, making a TV programme or recording music. There is vast array of media files to integrate, interfaces and menues to design, software problems to overcome, different operating systems and incompatible platforms to code for, which run on different processors. Because of all this, the Alexander the Great CD-ROM is carefully designed by engineers with vast multimedia production experience.
The multimedia monograph Alexander the Great, enriches the culture in a fantastic and interesting way. Art, history and technology are perfectly balanced, with the emphasis on high quality of user navigation interface, digital reproductions of artworks, quality sound and digital video. The team of international multimedia experts: Archeologs, Historians, Architects and Engineers have been worked on this international edition.
The Alexander the Great CD-ROM, enables both interactive navigation, as well as the passive guided tours , through various sections and topics, which are carefully elaborated and directed with no compromising artistic quality paying attention to the state-of-art user-friendly interface.
Alexander III(356-323 B.C.), king of Macedonia, born in late July 356 BC in Pela, Macedonia, the first king in history to be called the Great, one of the greatest military genius in history. He conquered much of what was then the civilised world, governed by his divine ambition of the world conquest and universal world monarchy. According Arian he was, the strong, handsome commander with one eye dark as the night and one blue as the sky, always leading his army on his faithful Bucefalo, accompanied by the best military formation of the time, the Macedionian Phalanx. He was the first great conqueror in history, which in the fourth century B.C. has reached, Greece, Egypt , Asia Minor, and Asia till the river Ind in India. He was famous for having created a unification between the Macedonians and the conquered populations. Alexander brought Greek ideas, culture and mentality to the conquered peoples and assured expansion of the Hellenistic Culture which with Roman Culture and Christianity present the fundaments of what is now called Western Civilisation.
The Structure.
The multimedia monograph Alexander the Great, is structured into following sections, articles and virtual tours.
Index / Main Menu
Exhibition Virtual TourSpeedy keyword search facilities
Alexander’s Portrait
Art and Culture of Alexander’s Age
The Conquest
Greek World
Persian Empire
Foundation of Alexandria in Egipt, a new urbanistic concept
Pax Alexandri
Invasion of India
Medioeval Legend and Myth
Alexander's OriginsAlexander’s Itenerary
Alexander's Birth
Main Characters
Alexander's Youth
Alexander and the Greeks.
Death of the Philip II
Conquests in Greece
The Persian expedition begins.
The Battles of Granicus and Issus
Conquests in Asia Minor
Conquest of the Mediterranean coast.
Alexander in Egypt
Campaign eastward, to Central Asia.
Invasion of India.
Alexander's Death
Alexander's Personality
Consolidation of the empire.
Index / Main Menu
In the Alexander the Great monograph, interactive navigation is enabled via Main Menu. Access to desired articles, tours and topics is intuitive and immediate. It is also implemented automatic, i.e. passive guided tour which is activated automatically if the user performs no interaction. If the user/spectator does nothing after 30 seconds automatic tour is activated.
Exhibition Guided Tour
In this CD Monograph is vividly decribed exhibition organized by Fondazione Memmo at Palazzo Ruspoli. Some unique exhibits can be seen, such as the famous mosaic of the lion hunt from the Royal Palace of Pella, the golden medallion depicting Olympia, weapons, portraits, statues of various dimensions, precious stones and murals, vases, masks, miniatures and bas-reliefs, some from medieval times and of Islamic provenance, based on the greatly renowned epic deeds of this great hero.